Companies / Accessories / Datails
From the WEB interface or from your Smartphone it is possible to send motor ignition lock / unlock commands to the device.
When the button on the vehicle is pressed, a rescue request will be displayed on the WEB Application. Optionally, alarms can be forwarded via SMS or e-mail
In an urban environment, it is possible to reconstruct the exact sequence of roads traveled, since a Position is generated at each roundabout, bifurcation, junction, turn or turn. If you proceed in a straight line (for example on the motorway), the update is triggered every 3 minutes.
Each registered position contains both the instantaneous speed (the one at the time of detection) and the maximum speed reached since the last sending. It allows you to check if the speed limits of each road traveled have been violated.
If a vehicle stops in the vicinity of a POI, the latter will be associated with the trip and displayed on the travel list, considerably increasing its legibility.
In the Map view you can view POIs in the area or look for a specific one.
Search on the Map of the vehicle closest to the POI and indication of the best route with time and distance on arrival.
Daily report of the activity of one or more vehicles at the same time. You can also select several days.
Report on a day basis:
Printable and exportable data
Monthly summary of the activity of one or more vehicles at the same time. You can also select several months or a range of days.
Report on both a month and a day basis:
Printable and exportable data
Allows certification of the temperature during transport, informing in real time if it departs from pre-established intervals
Printable and exportable data
With this module it is possible to monitor the fuel level in the vehicle tank.
The WEB application reproduces the graph of the progress of the tank and a specific report shows when and where it was refueled or fuel was subtracted.
Fuel Control can be done in 3 ways (in order of precision):
Controller Area Network (CAN or CAN-Bus) is a network and bus standard protocol designed to allow communication between control units.
The availability of parameters depends on model to vehicle model. Typically they are available:
For heavy vehicles there is the FMS standard created by the most important manufacturers. It can be requested as an option during the vehicle purchase phase or later enabled. Typically they are available:
For earth moving vehicles, construction machinery or generally "engines", vFLotte provides an FMS interface for reading elementary data such as:
Through the use of a key reader module or badge it is possible to activate the Driver Recognition feature: each authorized driver has a unique identification key. Approaching the tag (key or badge) to the reader a "beep" will signal that the code has been read. The Code is sent to the Server to assign the use of the Vehicle to the driver associated with the code.
There are 2 modes of connection / operation:
In this mode the system records only the presences and assigns Vehicle and Travel to the operator who has stamped.
In this mode it is possible to send, from WEB application, the list of drivers (codes) enabled to use the vehicle. If the driver's code is NOT enabled, the device will NOT give consent to the engine start-up (requires appropriate installation of a blocking relay).
The notification, in addition to the WEB console, can be sent via e-mail and / or SMS to several recipients.
Reportable events
With this Module it is possible to activate the activity programming management with cartographic support. All through the internet, no software to buy and install. By sending the daily list of programmed activities to the system, with destinations recognized as POIs (Points of Interest), from the interface it is possible to order the sequence to reduce the cost in terms of time and distance to be covered.
The Module can be used in Planner mode to optimize technical or commercial appointments, or in Optimization Mode for Couriers or attempted sales services.
It also allows real-time monitoring of missions and provides a final report by comparing "scheduled" with "executed". The sending of the programming to the system can be done through export of data, in a suitable CSV format, from its own management system, or through web services or a specific web interface.
Optionally it is possible to integrate Navigators to which to send messages and the list of programmed destinations.
With this module it is possible to activate the visualization both in graphic form (colored bars) and in tabular form, of the data related to the activity of the vehicles, intervals to the framework-on / framework-off, and the driver's data, driving times / break, daily and biweekly driving time. It is also possible to view the graph of the speed detected (tachograph).
With this module it is possible to activate the visualization both in graphic form (colored bars) and in tabular form, of the data related to the various inputs
connected to the control unit, such as light switches, flashing lights, sirens, power take-offs, doors, etc.
The form shows the time, place and map of each
With this module it is possible to enable a "privacy filter" for vehicles with "promiscuous" use. A "driver" user profile has access to all data while a "fleet
administrator" user profile has access to the filtered data: outside the agreed working hours, and in the case of holidays, holidays and permits, it is not possible to
see the vehicle position.
In the reports the positions are obscured while you can view the kilometers traveled in the monthly report.
By connecting the vFlotte terminal to the Tachograph it will be possible to activate the data download via WEB. In automatic mode the system will transfer the files to the vFlotte app for downloading them conveniently from the office, or receive them via e-mail.
Our team of experts is at your disposal to provide you with all the necessary information, describe in detail the features available and assist you in configuring your Fleet Management. Contact us at +39 011 19620254 or write to
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